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4 Tips for Avoiding Home Clutter after the Holidays

home clutter

For many, the holidays mean an increase in visitors and gifts in their home, and while this is always the best time of year, we can all agree it is no fun to end the year with a messy house with to much clutter. 

By following these tips, you can easily avoid any mess and extra unwanted stuff in your home by doing these few tasks ahead of time. Our quick and easy tips to follow will help you clean your house before the holiday rush and make room for any new gifts you will receive. 

1. Start in the kitchen

The kitchen will be the holiday hot spot and where most of your friends and family will spend their time, so you don’t want it to be crowded. To prepare yourself for holiday cookies, more baking, and all of the cooking that will be done, make some space in your pantry. Get rid of food that has gone bad and nearing expiration. This should also be done in your fridge as well. Throw it all out and clear space for all the food that is going to be brought in. You can also use this opportunity to look at your list of ingredients and note what you’ll need to restock your fridge and cabinets with for holiday recipes. 

2. Toys, Toys, Toys

I am sure you’ve noticed all the toys your children received during the holidays last year that no longer get any attention and are just taking up space. We all see them. With Christmas just around the corner and new presents coming in, this is the perfect time to get rid of them without the kids noticing. Less fuss, and now available space for any of their new toys to take over. We recommend donating any toys that do not have any wear and tear to your local toy drive. 

3. Closets and clothes

We are not just talking about the kid’s closets either. Of course, the children of outgrown their clothes after a year, so more than likely they will have no choice but to let you go through and grab the clothes that no longer fit, have been torn or stained. This is also the time for the adults also to take a look in their closet and see what they can get rid of as well. A good rule of thumb to follow is if it hasn’t been worn in 3 months (based on the season) toss or donate it — no reason to keep your closets stuffed too. 

4. Rethink your storage spaces

If your home is full of random knickknacks for decor, books, and toys on every shelf, and you still have stuff boxed away tightly in closets and under beds, then your home is already overflowing with stuff and will be harder to find space for any new gifts. This is the time to pull out the hidden containers in your closets and to find what you don’t use on a regular basis. More than likely if it is stored away, you probably had already forgotten about it. 

Follow these tips for not only a more enjoyable holiday but for a more calm and organized home for the new year before the family arrives, you will surely thank yourself. 

If you have gotten rid of everything you possibly can and still need some extra storage space or more organized storage, call us at 702-602-9198 for a consultation request to upgrade your home. 

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