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6 Tips for How to Get Started with Remodeling Your Bathroom

Remodeling your bathroom project

Did you know bathroom renovations were the most popular home improvement in 2022?

Most homeowners make changes to increase the enjoyment they find in their homes, while others do it to fix a safety issue or modernize their space. Whatever reason you have for remodeling your bathroom, it’s important to have a plan before getting started. The process can seem like a daunting one, but it doesn’t have to be.

We’re here to help you through the process. Read on to learn everything you need to know.

1. Ask Questions Beforehand

When you’re working to find a contractor, it’s important to talk with them beforehand. Ask all the questions you have to ensure they’re a great fit for you and your project. Here are a few that can help you get started:

  • How do you use your bathroom?
  • What’s your budget?
  • How many people will be using the bathroom?
  • How much storage is necessary?
  • What do you like about your current layout?
  • What do you dislike?

This isn’t a comprehensive list, but it’s a great base to build from as you research more. The more thorough your questions, the easier it’s going to be to find a contractor you trust.

2. Create a Budget

Remodeling your bathroom is an exciting time. It’s a great investment in both your space and yourself, but costs can skyrocket if they’re not kept under control. The most important thing you can do to combat this set up a solid budget.

This, combined with building solution research and plenty of discipline, can help you limit your project spending. When creating your budget, there are a few key things you’ll need to consider:

  • Are you selling your home?
  • Do you want to change the plumbing’s layout at all?
  • What can you ideally afford to invest?
  • What parts of the bathroom need to change?

If you’re planning to sell within a year or two, your overall costs and the changes you make are likely to look different than they will if you’re staying. That being said, bathrooms tend to have a higher return on investment than other home projects, so you’re likely to see a decent return no matter what you change.

3. Know Your Materials

Once you have an amount in mind, it’s important to plan your materials wisely.

Remember, bathrooms go through a lot day-to-day. It’s important that whatever you use is able to cope with humidity, water exposure, and temperature changes. They should also be easy to clean.

Getting the most out of your remodel typically means knowing where you can save money and where you should splurge on materials. Often, cutting costs on the wrong things can lead to more spending, as it’s going to require replacement in a few years. Opting for high-quality materials can help you save in the long run, as they’ll last longer and hold their value.

If you’re not sure where to start, ask your contractor for their opinion. They’ll have recommendations, and they’ll also know the best materials you can use.

4. Prioritize Storage

One thing your bathroom can never have too much of is storage. In most bathrooms, it’s limited and can require creativity. When you’re remodeling yourself, though, you can create custom solutions that work for both you and your family.

For the shower or tub, having a niche built into the wall serves as a great place to store all your shower products. For your vanity, you can either go custom or pre-built. Pre-built options can save you time and money in the long run, but having a custom solution is a great way to ensure you never run out of the necessary space you’ll need.

If you can, opt for floating shelves on your walls or build a closet. The options you choose are all going to depend on the amount of space you have and your personal taste.

5. Develop a Layout

Next up, you’ll need to develop your layout.

If you like your bathroom’s current setup, most of the time, it’s smart to keep it as is. If you choose to begin rearranging plumbing and walls, your spending can increase quickly. Sometimes, though, it’s unavoidable.

If your current layout is dysfunctional or you need more space, redoing your layout makes the most sense. Working with the right team can help keep costs low, though, and prevent you from going over budget. You’ll have a perfect plan the first time around, and you won’t have to spend extra time correcting mistakes later down the line.

6. Plan Your Lighting

Finally, you’ll need to plan your lighting. This might seem like an unnecessary step, but you’d be surprised at the difference it can make for your space. When you walk into a bathroom with indecent lighting, you’re going to notice it.

When you walk into a bathroom with carefully planned and executed lighting, it’ll be a lot easier to get things done, and you’ll have a nicer time doing it.

Natural lighting is, of course, the best option when it’s available, but there are other options when it’s not. Recessed LEDs placed on a dimmer switch are great, but you’ll also need to layer — especially if you get ready in your bathroom.

Remember to layer with covered vanity lighting to give yourself a nice, natural glow to get ready with each morning.

Remodeling Your Bathroom Doesn’t Have to Be Complicated

Whether it’s your first home remodel or your fifth, fixing up the bathroom can be a stressful process. Between unforeseen repairs and time delays, there’s a lot that can be thrown your way, but that doesn’t mean things have to feel tedious. With the proper planning and team by your side, you’ll have a new bathroom to call your own in no time.

Luckily, we’re here to help you every step of the way. Contact us to get started today.

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