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The 6 Best Kitchen Sinks for Your Remodel

2414-Sunburst_16 Kitchen Sink for a home remodel

The kitchen sink is often left behind in remodels when compared to more expensive appliances, but they’re just as important in both form and function. A kitchen sink is arguably the most-used gadget in the kitchen, as it handles everything from washing dishes to rinsing vegetables. As with most kitchen remodels, your kitchen sink needs vary based on your usage and existing space. Small spaces benefit from the trendy corner sinks or single-basin sinks, whereas large kitchens may find added perks with a dual-basin undermount option. Read through our suggestions for the best kitchen sinks for your remodel, and you’re sure to find something that suits your personality and needs!

1. Trendy Farmhouse Sinks

The farmhouse sink is inescapable nowadays! Splashed across the pages of every design magazine, they’re both beautiful and functional. This very popular style is large, taking up a hefty amount of counter space and extending past the cabinets to jut out into the kitchen. The farmhouse look works well with traditional or country-inspired home styles and offers a large basin to accommodate a variety of tasks. The only downside is that they’re relatively expensive. The installation needs to be done by a professional, as the cabinets and counter need to be cut down to fit the sink.

2. Undermount Kitchen Sinks

On the opposite side of the spectrum from farmhouse kitchen sinks lies the undermount option. Undermount sinks are also typically very large basins but are instead installed by cutting a large hole in the countertop and mounting the sink to the underside of the cabinets. This creates a seamless transition from the marble or granite countertop into the sink. Modern homes will want to consider this option because of the sleek finished product, but the catch is they almost always need to be made of stainless steel to be economical. The mounting process underneath the cabinet means the sink itself should be a light material. Heavier options, such as cast iron, can be beautiful but too heavy to install.

3. Single Bowl Sinks

Budget-conscious homeowners may want to look at the single bowl kitchen sinks which are sweeping home improvement stores. Single bowl sinks are exactly what they sound like: one large bowl for all your needs. This offers a few benefits: the ability to be constructed of nearly anything without being too heavy, a simple installation, and a convenient way of fitting into tight spaces. They allow a lot of space for cleaning large pots and pans, but the downside is: if it’s filled with dirty dishes or defrosting food, there’s nothing to do but clean it out or wait. One bowl means one function at a time, which may not work for every family.

4. Miniature Prep Sinks

For busy cooks or homeowners who love entertaining, installing a prep sink could be a great bang for your buck in your kitchen remodel. Also referred to as ‘bar sinks’, the prep sink has shown a big surge in home kitchens because of its versatility. Typically installed on a corner piece of the countertop (or even the kitchen island!), a bar sink is a small porcelain or stainless-steel sink that is used primarily for washing or prepping veggies or cleaning glassware for a bar. This is a perfect addition to any high-end kitchen and makes a statement to guests.

5. Stunning Self-Rimmed Sinks

For the homeowner who seeks to make a statement with their kitchen sink, few options are better than the self-rimmed sinks. Self-rimmed means the sink has a built-in lip that sits flush against the countertop. The sink itself can be made of almost any material, and the installation is simple enough to be a DIY project. With a bit of cement adhesive and a properly fitting sink, all you need to do is drop the sink in and connect the plumbing! If that isn’t enough incentive to choose this style for your next kitchen remodel, consider how much easier the self-rimmed sink is to clean versus other top-mount sinks. The seal created by the weight of the sink and the cement means there are fewer gaps for water or food scraps to be caught in.

6. Built-In Island Sinks

The newest trend we’ve seen in many home remodel magazines has been the built-in island sink. While not necessarily a new development in the remodeling world, island sinks have taken popularity with the recent minimalism movement. Dropped directly into the kitchen island, they’re a practical way for smaller kitchens to utilize prep space. The look is clean and modern while maintaining a unique character. The hesitation many homeowners have against this kitchen sink style is the difficulty in running plumbing to an island. The good news? An experienced contractor can handle the plumbing rerouting with no trouble. Are you ready to install that kitchen remodel today? Contact Las Vegas Remodel & Construction to start your project.

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