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Benefits of a General Contractor

General Contractor

When you go to IKEA, you browse through an enormous store to pick what you want, take it home, un-package and begin assembling it per the instructions. When you remodel your home, you follow almost all the same steps. However, no laminate flooring is going to come with a manual and tools included. Doing construction on your home without a general contractor is a bit like trying to build a Swedish dresser with no manual – sure, you might get it done, but you’re spending significantly more time and energy than you need to. There are seemingly endless benefits of hiring a qualified general contractor; bringing one onto your project is guaranteed to leave you satisfied instead of frustrated. 

    General contractors are often overlooked for home remodeling jobs. You make a budget, buy the supplies, attempt to DIY it, get irritated, bring in a plumber that your cousin’s friend’s niece recommended, and end up overpaying in the long run. We understand your frustration, but every step beyond the first one can be avoided with the right GC at your back. Think of a general contractor not as what the name implies, but as a project manager. General contractors see the entire picture and are accustomed to working through each step of a process. They come equipped with overall experience and have a thorough understanding of every nut and bolt needed for any task. Experience can’t be bought but can be attained by proxy if you hire a GC who knows what they’re doing. 

    Home remodeling can be expensive if not looked at through the eyes of an expert. Hiring on a general contractor means you also hire on all of their connections. They’re already used to bidding for lower labor costs, more affordable materials, and have built relationships with suppliers to ensure your project is always considered high priority. A GC can negotiate pricing in places where you might not have any ground to stand on, which ultimately leads to you saving money on the remodel. 

    Perhaps the most significant benefit of hiring a general contractor is that, to be blunt, you don’t have to stress. General contractors are used to handling situations that would have you pulling your hair out (for example, a rusted pipe that you might not notice until it’s already closed off), and they can take care of them with ease. You get to relax when you have a trusted GC working on your home because they’ve taken all of the liability off of you. Should anyone be injured on the job, your contractor will handle it. Run out of materials? Your contractor will handle it. Are you worried about the materials’ quality? Don’t sweat it; your contractor has everything under warranty. With the proper help, you’ll be able to kick up your feet and relax until your kitchen or bathroom remodel is all said and done. What could be better than that? 

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